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Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Day 8 December

Last night my parents showed up and Julie and Sal showed up, and Austin, Emily, and Jon Dean showed up, and we all watched Sarah be the concertmaster for her orchestras Christmas concert. She looked very grown and I can't believe this is the same person who a few years ago was racing imaginary creatures all over the house.

Cameron said he is addicted to sweet tea. He is excited because I told him we can walk to the Peace, Love, and Pizza this weekend for lunch.

I bought some presents through Amazon.

Abbie has a new friend who comes over and they play together on the trampoline.

I did not get any writing or editing done last night due to the concert, so I have some catching up to do the next couple of days.

Steph had a really good client yesterday. 

I had a technical call at work that I figured out beforehand, so the call went very smoothly. Praise God!

Paul told my parents that after narrowly surviving covid, that every day is good and feels like an extra day. I also have lived longer than two of my friends, so it does feel to me that also that every day I have is like a bonus. 

Sam Drog

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