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Thursday, April 04, 2019

30 Day Challenge - GameMaker Studio - Day 10 and 11

Got this done right when I got home, before watching two episodes of Umbrella Acadamy with my eldest and then passing out. I dreamed of my whole family at a coffee shop, including extended family. In the corner, I see director Zach Snyder. He's sitting alone and trying to look busy with a briefcase of documents, and by fiddling with a laptop. He looks awkward and even has braces on his teeth. My attention returns to my chaotic family. Then, through the den of the busy cafe, I hear a lone sad tenor. I look over and there is Zach Snyder slowly singing a line about how no one understood why he put that big musical number in Man of Steel. I responded in my own tenor, that I liked that scene, and didn't care what the internet said.

There is no big musical number in Man of Steel.

Here is how breakout is going. Just need to add sound effects and make the game reset when I lose the three lives.

The computer was doing something weird, so there is a drag in performance. I must be running a scan.


I added a game reset feature.

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