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Monday, May 06, 2019

30 Day Challenge: Finish CvM Episode 7 - Day 11

Wow, so I've been out of town, and just got in. So yeah, pretty beat, but here are the next few steps.

- add whoosh and impact sounds to the dojo chicken beating scene.

- render the sound fx and dialog tracks for dojo scene.

- start on the hospital shower scene. I would like to have the shower scene done by the weekend. It's a mess.

LATER that night...

Finished the sound fx and dialog tracks for dojo scene.

Loaded the shower scene up. Starting on that tomorrow. Here is the awesome background provided by Tracy Odell from way back in the day. It's one of my favorites.

Sam Drog

Clown Versus Monkey! Check It Out Here!

Buy Satanic Killer Chicken Here!

Watch Short Films Here!

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