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Monday, December 06, 2021

Day 6 Dec

Up with the kids. 

Abbie is off to school. Cameron and Sarah are up and getting ready.

We are all just groggy.

Cameron said that he woke up happy because last night he wrote a great letter requesting public transportation in Woodstock. He is tired of being stuck at home all day. It was empowering to him to write this letter, and he did a great job. He is a very good writer. I am proud of him.

Sarah has a concert tomorrow where she will be the concertmaster. She is nervous. I am proud that she gets herself in these positions.

Tonight is my last night on pager, so I can't wait to shed this thing tomorrow after work.

I need this coffee to start working, ASAP.

BTW, here is Cameron's letter:

Dear Mayor Henriques,

I would really like it if there were some public transportation in our great city. I'm talking about public busses. I think it would be a great thing if we had a few busses to go around stopping by each neighborhood in the town and taking passengers to their recommended destination. The busses will also take them to other cities like Roswell or Atlanta. The public transportation idea is something you really need to pass as policy for them, me, and you.

The people of Woodstock would like it because some people don't want to or can't drive in this town. It would also be really helpful for the environment if we had public transportation. It is also relaxing on busses not having to focus on the road all the time. You can listen to music or relax your head on the bus. It will also clear up traffic because people won't be stuck in cars all day. You also don't need to stop for gas on the bus. It will even get people to work faster so no one is late. Kids could go places because they can't drive. If an emergency happens and you need to get somewhere quickly, public transportation could save lives. So give what the people of this city want right now.

I would like it because I would like to go places. I am thirteen and I'm tired of being stuck in my house all day. My house is in the Southlands which is isolated from the city. I would really like to go to the store by myself. I could also make new friends if I was able to move around the town. I would like to go to places like downtown Woodstock and Atlanta. There I would make social gatherings to help solve social problems. My activism could change the world if I had a chance to get there. So give me what I really want for this town.

You would really like it because it could make the economy of Woodstock greater. I suspect that you want the economy for Woodstock to thrive and if we had public transportation the tax coffers will be fuller than ever before and the city will rise in its GDP. So if you want economic prosperity in your city then give us what we want right now, which is public transportation.

Cameron Joseph Conkle

Way to go, m'boy!

Sam Drog

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