Photoshop continues to amaze and is giving me all sorts of insight on how to product CLOWN VERSES MONKEY.
SHATTER MONKEY has a great deal complete but still needs some fleshing out, I need to sit and do it, throw some time at it. Sit and nurse it.
Time or Money, you can use one or the other, power in both.
Went to see TAKEN over the weekend with Stephanator. Big disappointment considering all the raves I heard at work and on the street. Neeson’s best scene is him telling the bad guys on the phone what he’s going to do to them and blah blah, it’s in the trailer. He phones in the rest of his performance as well (har har clever! …almost). The ending is a laugh riot, not believable at all.
I think my movie enjoyment gland is defective.
All is good in hood