The cumulative effect of long time exposure to
Things a learned from American Gangster
1. Loudest man in the room is the weakest.
2. Take your time with things. Show it the love.
3. Vietnam was good for the drug business.
4. Ted Levine still sounds like Buffalo Bill no matter who he’s playing. And that is cool.
Things I learned from The Incredible Hulk
1. Hulk blood infect others with Hulkiness.
2. Tim Roth is cool/
3. CG Hulk vs. CG Abomination is fun in Superman 2 kind of way.
4. Coke is everywhere, in a Superman 2 kind of way.
Life is quiet at work today.
I’m trying to save money.
I am 75% through the transcription.
Next up will be the new trailer.
Good times.